Tag: Cybersmart Task 2022

Shreks About Me

Today we had to write an about me about shrek in a positive way for our cybersmart work that we did with Mr Goodwin.

Hi My Name is Shrek and this is my blog. My Name is Shrek and  I live in a swamp in the kingdom far far away. I live alone. My best friend is a donkey named Donkey. I am also  the only ogre that lives in the kingdom of far far away. I am a green skinned Ogre. I have very big fists and have really long ears. I like being left alone, otherwise I like to hang out with my best friend Donkey. I also like to eat rats and bugs.  I like to relax and have a mud bath and brush my teeth with my special bug paste on a twig which I call my toothbrush.